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The Science of Space: Biophilic Design for Health and Wellbeing

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Studies have shown that incorporating nature into the built environment can positively impact occupants’ physical and mental well-being. HLW and our in-house sustainability team, BEYOND, champion biophilic design principles to create healthy and inspiring workspaces.

How can nature be integrated into your workspace?

Natural light and ventilation: Maximizing natural light exposure and providing access to fresh air improves mood, cognitive function, and sleep quality.

Campus 2100, El Segundo, CA


Greenery and natural elements: Introducing plants, water features, or natural materials into the workspace reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and fosters a connection with nature.

Charter Communications, Stamford, Connecticut


Views of nature: Providing access to outdoor views, even through strategically placed windows, can significantly enhance well-being.

Modern office interior with high ceilings and large picture windows showcasing an autumnal tree panorama. Natural light illuminates the minimalist décor, contrasting the industrial-style black beams and railings. Open-plan seating area features wood tables and gray upholstered benches, fostering a collaborative workspace
UPS, Parsippany, New Jersey


By blending science and design, we create workspaces that prioritize employee health and well-being, leading to a more productive and engaged workforce.